Like The " DIRTY - SHIT - CONGRESS " - B.J.P Now Is the Party With " UTTERANCE " Not The Party With " DIFFERENCE "


Like The " DIRTY - SHIT - CONGRESS " - B.J.P Now Is the Party With " UTTERANCE " Not The Party With " DIFFERENCE "
Pic - : A Depiction Of " UTTERANCE "  Where The " THOUGHT " Is An " APPLE " But The Outcome Is A " STAINED - BANANA "  

Like The " DIRTY - SHIT - CONGRESS " - B.J.P Now Is the Party With " UTTERANCE " Not The Party With " DIFFERENCE "

It was somewhere in the end of the fifties that Mr Shyamal Prasad Mukherjee  came out of the Congress and CHALLENGED Mr Nehru that he would form a party which by the end of the three decade, would become ther ruling party of India, and would send the Congress to the slumber.

Listening to it Mr Nehru, who was the FIRST ever Prime Minister of India, said and replied- “ DAMN IDIOT ” to Mr Mukherjee. Hearing to that Mr Mukherjee replied that “ MAYBE, ME AND YOU WOULD NEVER BE ALIVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF THE DAY BUT IT WOULD HAPPEN AND THAT WOULD RULE INDIA


Well, the last Mr Mukherjee replied was – “ THIS PARTY WILL BE A PARTY WITH A DIFFERENCE ”.  Mr Nehru only giggled and laughed

Soon, Mr Mukherjee was back to the business. He met a person by the name of Mr Deen Dayal Purohit and that set the ball rolling for the duo and very soon a party was formed by the name of “ JANSANGH ” Soon the party started moulding itself and when the national election were held in India for the second time in 1957, the Jansangh had opened its account in India by sending TWO representative to the parliament and one of them was Mr Mukherjee .

The manner in which the party worked, and the manner in which the party was spread to all the parts of India, Mr Mukherjee openly declared that –

“ IF I GET AS MANY AS FOUR OTHER PARTY WORKERS LIKE Mr DEEN DAYAL PUROHIT, I WILL BE ABLE TO PUT MY PARTY AS THE PRINCIPAL OPPOSITION AT INDIA VERY SOON ”..It was just during this time that the Jansangh got Mr Atal Behari Vajapayee .Thjs TRIO of Mr Mukherjee, Mr Deen Dayal Purohit and Mr Atal Behari vajapayee, brought a NEW CONCEPT to the political schemings of India, in the annals of Indian politics and it was the “ ANTODHAYA It meant that the END HAS TO RISE BEFORE THE SATR IS GIVEN THE PREFERANCE.

The principal of antodhayaya was the start that the public of India and the people all across the country slowly started realizing that if India has to stand firm on her feet the end where the  down trodden and the weakest of all the people dwells, ought to be taken into the fold and that is how the Jansangh kept on moving ahead.

In the parliament, it was the Jansangh which completely bottled and choked the ruling Congress on all the matter which related to upscale and uplift the weakest of the weakest people of India, first, and then slowly moving from the down bottom to the top up .This made the others to realize very fast that the B.J.P was the PARTY WITH A DIFFERENCE.


Jansangh and Mr Mukherjee were simply outstanding as they kept on choosing the ones with tremendous quality as the politicians that they would become and the preference were always given to the ones who had and possessed the merit of doing something out of the box. In this matter the names that conjured so fast and so quick were Deen Dayal Purohit, Atal Behari Vajapayee Bhai Sahib .So adorable might not be the case of Jansangh then bit in the general election of 1957 it won, ie ,  Jana Sangh won four seats and the vote percentage almost doubled to 5.93%.

It doubled its number of seats in 1957 . In 1977 Jansangh decided to club with the other parties of India which was fighting against the Congress, after the emergency was removed and the election held. It was for the first time in India that the Congress was hugely TRAMPLED with and send to the SLUMBER  Almost all those who were from jansangh anmd those who contested under the umbrella of the janata dal, which was the principal opposition of the Congress, WON THEIR SEATS AND THAT TOO WITH AN OVERWHELMING MARGIN.

It was in 1980 that the Congress came back to the power through the back door master strategy of Mrs Gandhi which completely DUPED the Chaudhury Charan Singh led Government . The Janata Dal was disintegrated as the principles were different for each leaders which had come forward to amalgamate their parties with the janata Dal. The B.J.P which now we call it was the Janasangh which had become the BHARTIYA JANATA PARTY  and April 6th 1980 was the date when this party was born with Mr atal Behari Vajapayee leading it as the main spearhead of the party. The other two stalwart , Mr Shyamal Prasad Mukherjee, by then , and Mr Deen Dayal purohit were no more. Both were assassinated by the     “ HITCH – WITCH – ILL – WILL”   policy of the Congress.

The Principal Policies Of the B.J.P When It was Formed -:

The B.J.P when it was formed had some CORE PRINCIPLES and a BROAD National ideas which they adopted it and made it as their principles. Some of these were as such-:

1).The B.J.P will NEVER promote FAMILY and the families to induct and keep on inducting the family members to make this a FAMILY PARTY that is engaged in politics in India.

2). The B.J.P will never promote anybody under its umbrella to take any advantage of the party for any business that would relates to business or any matter that would end up with finance as the business.

3 ) .  The B.J.P will adhere to its policy and the principles of SWADESH and ANTODHAYAYA

4) . The B.J.P will never UTTER. It will DELIVER .Only those who would comply with deliverance as per the expectations of the party would be brought up .

5). The B.J.P will NEVER allow any incident that would relate with law with those breaking the law either of the party or that the party holds it as supreme, or any other that has broken the law which governs the nation – will be never allowed to remain in the fold of the party.

6 ) . The B. J P will never compromise on the principles which would harm the nation and the people of India by compromising with the principles and the policies on which the Jansangh was formed .

7 ). Though the name of the party was changed to BHARTIYA JANATA PARTY, the B.J.P will continue to follow the principles and the regulation of the Jansangh as this was the FOUNDATION of the party

The B.J.P lays an example-:

The B.J.P kept on laying the examples for the others to conjure with and seriously TREAT this party as something which made one to feel that the B.J.P was really a PARTY WITH DIFFERENCE. It fought every election from 1984 where it got only TWO seats, one from the Andhra Pradesh state, then and the other from the Gujarat seat then had won. That was in 1984.

The B.J.P showed it TRUE character in 1984 when after the Golden temple seized was done by the anti national force of India, when it fully supported the Indian national Congress, and advised them to take the help of the Indian Army to flush out the militants from the Golden Temple. The Indian Army , then , haeded by Gen Vaidya took the complete control of the same and cleansed the entire Golden Temple flushing the militants out of the temple. The B.J.P whole heartedly supported the Indian national Congress then.

Sticking to its principles and adding to its muscles, the B.J.P won 87 seats in the election at 1989 when the Rajiv Gandhi Government fell after the BOFORS INCIDENT , and again it supported the party headed by Mr V.P.Singh in 1987 from outside to run the Government .B.J.P was advised by Mr V.P.Singh to induct some of its members in the ruling Government then. Anybody could and would have seized the opportunity but the ASTUTE led Mr Vajapayee who was the SUPREMO of the B.J.P politely declined of these offers and supported the party from outside.

Hinging On Its Policy Of DELIVERANCE and OUTPUT , The B.J.P wins the National Election of 1996-:

Mr Narsimha rao was leading the Congress from 1991 to about 1996. He being the Prime Minister then, and even he being the friend of the friend of Mr Vajapayee , he tried to completely MARGINALISE the B.J.P .Finding Mr Vajapayee a very FIERCE opponent who was NOT allowing the B.J.P to get dismantled and disintegrated, Mr Narsimha Rao in a close door meeting with Mr Vajapayee gave him a TEMPTING OFFER to join the Congress which Mr Vajapayee refused.

Mr Vajapayee “ REMINISCENTS ”  Mr Narsimha Rao About Kutch Seized By Pakistan - ::

Actually Mr Vajapayee was the SAVIOUR and the ROCK which stood between the Congress and the B.J.P.If this rock was dismantled and grinded THERE WOULD BE NO B.J.P AT ALL. This was the mindset of Mr Narsimha Rao and the nation would be then ruled by the Congress for centuries. This was it and that was Mr Vajapayee who NEVER was to allow the Congress accomplish it goal.

What was the Kutch incident and how did the JANSANGH then compelled the , then , Prime Minister lal Bahadur Shashtri to take the action that would require the ACTION TO SPEAK for it.Well this is it-:

In March 1965, Pakistan captured Kanajarkot in Kutch and continued its aggression. The government of India wanted to make peace with Pakistan, which was strongly opposed by the Jana Sangh. In July-August, Jana Sangh planned for countrywide demonstration. Demonstrations were held at around one lakh places across the country and on August 16, over 5 lakh people from every part of the country gathered in Delhi for the largest demonstration in the political history of the country against the Kutch Agreement. The slogan was ‘Fauj Na Hari, Kaum Na Hari, Haar Gayi Sarkar Hamari’ (Neither our army nor our people were defeated, but the government was defeated).

Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri drew strength from it and he got ready for the war. On September 1, the war started. The Jana Sangh worked with the Government and the Army shoulder to shoulder and  the Indian army emerged victorious. A ceasefire was declared on the mediation of Russia and a Summit was decided to be held in Tashkent. The Jana Sangh opposed it. In Tashkent, Shastriji signed the Agreement handing back the areas won by our forces to Pakistan and in the same night he died due to a heart attack. Bharatiya Jana Sangh openly opposed the Tashkent Agreement ”.

Mr Vajapayee politely and with a humble request said and muttered the words to Mr Rao that the B.J.P will stand SHOULDER TO SHOULDER with the Congress, everytime , when it comes and when it boils to the national issues which would harm the nation, but him taking a stance to get some prime post or to compromise on his principles with the Congress was out of question.

The B.J.P rules India from 1996 to 2004 :: NO “ COMPROMISE ” ON “ PRINCIPLES ”

1996 was the year when the B.J.P under Mr Vajapayee took it over for 13 days. With Mr Indra Kumar Gujral and before that Mr H.D.Dewegowda ruling India for their respective parties and drawing support from the other parties, Mr Vajapayee again came back to the power to rule for 13 months.


His Government fell by ONE vote. HE DID NOT COMPROMISE ON ANY PRINCIPLES THEN. He could have HEAVILY bargained, like the Congress does for themselves to extend and exerts its rule over India. He could have COMPROMISED on his principles. HE DID NOT.

B.J.P Loses The “ BATTLE ” , However It Steadies Itself To Win The “ WAR ”

He LOST the COUNTS by a SOLITARY vote.  He lost his rule, his Kingdom was seized and done awy with.He did not care.He infact WON the HEART of MILIIONS and MILLIONS at India  In POLITICS it is IMPERTINENT to win the HEART.

In politics if you are saddled at and in the heart of the people YOU ARE THERE FOR THE COUNTS. You might have lost the battle for ONCE , but there is waiting a WAR that would CLING on to you for the VICTORY to KISS your FEET. Atal Bhai Sahab knew this.He was waiting  forthat opportunity and when it came it came by WHOPS and by THUNDER.

This time he came back with THUNDER to rule India from 1999 to 2004 .Though supported by 24 parties, all big and small, all Regional, he achieved of REFORMING the VILLAGES and change the face of Indian villages. 

The B.J.P rules India from 1996 to 2004 :: NO “ COMPROMISE ” ON “ PRINCIPLES ”

1996 was the year when the B.J.P under Mr Vajapayee took it over for 13 days. With Mr Indra Kumar Gujral and before that Mr H.D.Dewegowda ruling India for their respective parties and drawing support from the other parties, Mr Vajapayee again came back to the power to rule for 13 months.


His Government fell by ONE vote. HE DID NOT COMPROMISE ON ANY PRINCIPLES THEN. He could have HEAVILY bargained, like the Congress does for themselves to extend and exerts its rule over India. He could have COMPROMISED on his principles. HE DID NOT.

B.J.P Loses The “ BATTLE ” , However It Steadies Itself To Win The “ WAR ”

He LOST the COUNTS by a SOLITARY vote.  He lost his rule, his Kingdom was seized and done awy with.He did not care.He infact WON the HEART of MILIIONS and MILLIONS at India  In POLITICS it is IMPERTINENT to win the HEART.

In politics if you are saddled at and in the heart of the people YOU ARE THERE FOR THE COUNTS. You might have lost the battle for ONCE , but there is waiting a WAR that would CLING on to you for the VICTORY to KISS your FEET. Atal Bhai Sahab knew this.He was waiting  forthat opportunity and when it came it came by WHOPS and by THUNDER 

The GREATEST Mistake Of Mr Atal Behari Vajapayee - :: It DUG  India  And that Was A “ FOOLISH – GIFT ”

A poet is a poet and a POET cannot rule the country if he a POET by every second. This was the greatest mistake that Mr Atal Behari Vajapayee was carrying. He SHOULD NOT have by any mean and by any accounts taken that bus to Lahore when the Pakistanis were waiting to sieze kargil. Fatal if it was it was his TOO – LATE a decision, which again proved fatal for India when he realized that the Kargil incident had taken place with the infiltrator seizing the entire area of Kargil. The Indian army with the help of Bofors which was a “ TARNISHED – WEAPON – OF – NATIONAL – ISSUE ”  without any modern arms, fought the battle to emerge victors but that hit the image of the Prime Minister then.

Thereafter it was an attack on the Indian Parliament. That was the ATTACK on the “ SOUL – OF – INDIA ”  with its temple , ie , the Parliament under sieze. The resultant reply should have been a “ FULL – SCALE – WAR ”   which he DID NOT go in for. That again was a FATAL – DEATH – KNELL – BLOW  “which was so very grave to the existing India then. He should have gone in for a full  scale war with Pakistan. He did not because of some lousy reason. That enabled Pakistan to construct the Nuclear arms station for them . This again was a FOOLISH – GIFT by India to Pakistan and that is what this nation has been continuously doing when it comes to Pakistan.

Vajapayee Sahab  , Mr Advani completely “ CORNEED ” By Mr Pramod Mahajan -::

Slowly the ageing Vajapayee Sahab was cornered by Mr Pramod Mahajan and Mr advani too became the victim of the same. Mr Mahajan had started calculating and plotting his moves to become the Prime Minister of India and his medicines to Vajapayee Sahab was getting too far and too square to allow him to corner the B.J.P under his grip and take it over. . The B.J.P lost the 2004 election because of the wrong notions and false narrative.

The era from 2004 to 2014 was ONE OF THE DEADLIEST WORST for India. Innumerous attacks after attacke, and the indigestible condition in which the Government then, was ruling India made the life so unbearable and so pitiable for the people to survive that at the end , believing on the B.J.P and Narendra Modi Bhai Sahab, the people of India gave the B.J.P to rule India, under  Natrendra Bhai.

It has been a ROLLER – COASTER ride for India. If there has been one or two good achievement for us to show, there has been plethora’s of the others which I believe have been hidden purposely by the Government of India . A lot is being projected as India to be the SAVIOUR of the world, but actually I have my own doubt about that. When our own economy  is still mot in a position to stand on its own leg, I SHUDDER TO THINK THAT INDIA WOULD BE THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD.

The unemployment, the incessant inflation which spurts all of a sudden hitting the common man below the belt, though it is still far below as and if compared to the world, and the security which is often breached, both by the Naxalities within the country and by the Pakistani trained infiltrators are causing alarms.

The Prime Minister, Mr Modi has won a term once more but this time with a fractured mandate to be frank. His margin of victory at Varanasi too baffles the connoisseurs That again is a sign of alarms. The B.J.P at its GIRD and at its strong place at Uttar Pradesh had to suffer blows and actually they have been pushed to the spot which is unaccepted by the core supporters of the B.J.p

Over it the B.J.P though many of it stalwart won the election, they just pulled the hats like the coup are pulled by the coup puller. The state of affair is not that rosy as the B.J.P would liked to have them .This again causes many an alarm , though one is sure that the B.J.P within its grip and the grid would somehow manage to pull but the opposition would make the life hard for them.

OVERCONFIDENCE AND WRONG CHOICE THAT HAS  JOLTED THE “ B.J.P ” :: Mr Amit Shah To Be Squarely Blamed For the “ MESS ” ,IT WAS AS IF “ 40 – PLUS”

Riding high on WRONG NOTION and a false confidence the B.J.P and its think tank came out this time hoping to better its last record and thus set up an narrative of “ 400- PLUS ”  In 1980 , Jeetendra, a Indian Hero had done an ad which shouted and alarmed as “ 40 – PLUS ”  That pill was for those who if cvonsumed that pill, would always appear to be young and look like the 40 plus soul looks alike.

It seems that the 40 plus and 400 plus were like and a alike to the B.J.P as that organization which manufactured that 40 plus does not exists now at India. Lucily the BLESSING of the LORD JAGGANNATH and the other Lord, if at all , if they were blessing the B.J.P at all, blessed them with 240 seats.

Thanks to the “ LAADLI – BETI ”  and THANKS to Madhya Pradesh ( 29/29 ) and thanks to Chhattisgarh ( 10/11 ). That the B.J.P could muster 39/40 seats and that is the reason that the B.J.P is sitting pretty at 240, one hundred and sixty below the 400 marks.

Mr Amit Shah :: The “ GUJRATIS ” Are “ BRILLIANT ” At “ SHOPKEEPING – ACTIVITIES ” And NOT At The Other  “ OTHER” Activities.

Termed as the “ MODERN – CHANAKYA ”  , which he cannot be , if even he takes 1000 birth, and behaving to be such that he is the one who has created the INDIAN MANKIND whom he knows by the ncounts of his palms and the thumbs, Mr Amit shah, like Mr Pramod Mahajan . actually runs the B.J.P. His opinion and his consent if FINAL and that is the LAW within the B.J.P. One who can conjure with him is needed in the B.J.P and one who does not can leave the B.J.P or they are given a  TRUCE

Many in the B.J.P are tightlipped against him. Many are HURT and WOUNDED. The example of Bba Yogi Adityanath and Prasad Simha are the class and classical ones. No body has the guts to question him. Whatever he says and does within the B.J.P – The Prime Minister simple and simply obeys him.

Acting like a Amitabh Bachchan, or a Rajnikant, the Prime Minister subdues to the whims and the fancies of Mr Amit Shah , but he never resents on it. Like Mr Pramod Mahajan, Mr Amit Shah is slowly taking the B.J.P to be at its helm so that he sits on the chair of the prime Minister when Mr Modi goes out of the business. That is what his intentions are. He tried his BEST to uproot Baba Yogi Adityanath in this election by cutting his size . To a little extent or a large, he has been successful. 

Pic - :: This Is What Is " STAINED - BANANA "  which " ALL " the Indian Political party Have Been., and Are.  Unfortunately The " B.J.P " Now Too Has Joined The Wand Wagan To Become         " ONE "  These Political Entities Now have Made India A " BANANA - REPUBLIC " 


 The B.J.P NEVER  was anybody’s private entity. It was a party for the common mass and for the general public at India. It NEVER use to be ONE man whose decision within the party was “ FINAL – FOR – ALL ”  All the decision within the party, and to rule , was and it used to be decision which was based on the, as we call it, was on  “ ARRIVED – AT ” principals. The decision of the best of the heads was accumulated and a wrong analyse of the same was made to arrive upon a conclusion.

Ever since Mr Pramod Mahajan set the trend to take over the party which he failed even after the            “ INDIA – SHINNING” attempt that he made to take over the party, the B.J.P within the party has become a “ PARTY – FOR – THE – DALAALS – AND – THE – BUSINESS TRADERS ” .It is not the party which it use to be.

Within the party, there are a number of them who are surviving just because of the fact that they LICK and PLEASE the stronger ones. The example of General V.K.Singh denied a ticket, Gautam Gambhir too shown the door, Basuri Swaraj coming in, Prasad Simha shown the exit, The Wadeyar coming in for Prasad Simha, these are all the FUNKS that the decision are made within the party and those who are powerful and have their Father heading the party at the state in any capacity, are pressing the B.J.P at the centre point where the decisions are taken, to make compromises with the whims that comes from the state unit of the party.

In this Mr Amit shah plays a crucial role to put and fix the demand as per his whims with the pleasing acceptance of the Prime Minister . The result is that at Karnataka , where the Congress should NOT have won more than FIVE seats have walked away with TEN. It was ALL WRONG PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE B.J.P. It was like a GIFT by the B.J.P to the Congress. I’m sure in all these Mr Amit shah and his decision played a crucial role.It is very sorry to state that Mr amit Shah could be a very WISE businessman as he is a GUJRATI. However whe it comes to india- he better realizes that HE IS NOT THE LORD OR THE MASTER OF THE INDIANS WHO WOULD FALL ONTO HIS FEET OR LICK HIM LIKE MANY IN THE B.J.P MIGHT BE DOING.

It is, if at all if it has to be seen. Mr Amit Shah actually has made this party as ONE MAN SQUAD with the present Prime Minister  simply caving to his demands. The B.J.P is slowly but surely becoming a FAMILY PARTY. If Mr amit Shah holds the rein at the centralpoint of the B.J.P at the top, it is Mr Yediurappa who is doing the same at Karnataka for his son, and thereby axing the brilliants like Prasad Simha and Tejaswi Surya for the future. This is the real B.J.P that is transforming and this is the truth. This is to just cite an example.


One , Mr Dharmendra Pradhan from his face appears to be a " DUFFER ". the other one, Bhupendra Yadav  is a " CLASSLESS - BLUFFER "  Since when have the Yadav become a SC/ST/Economic Weaker Class/Other Backward Class. I know much more about the Yadav's as human beings rather than that BLUFFER would know it .Mr Amit shah and Mr Modi could be BLUFFED on the matter of caste. Not MYSELF

My working experience with TRIBAL CO- OPERATIVE MARKETING DEVLOPEMENT FEDERATION OF INDIA LIMITED  has been enough for me to LEARN all about the BLUFFERS and the DUFFERS that originates from the SC/ST/EWS/OBC   section of the society, and SORRY to state that the YADAVS  DO NOT fall under that category. Mr Amit Shah could be educated on those lines - NOT ME

There is a PLACE where you SHIT and there is a place where you EAT. Whet I see of the B.J.P now after 2004, SLOWLY THEY HAVE STARTED " SHITTING " AT THE PLACE WHERE THEY EAT AND "EATING " AT THE PLACE WHERE IT REQUIRES TO SHIT. 

Came to serve differently as a political  entity in 1980, with the sole objective to be different from the heinous polity, the B.J.P like the other political parties has become a BANANA like political party with all the qualities of a banana. 

What is a BANANA POLITICIAN and what are their POLITICS. Well, the below lines describes it all and I would like one and sundry to read and judge that.Those are as follow-:


Politics and political parties are like  "   BANANA"  To start with, they are " FRESH"   to be seen, and they appear  as " TASTY"  .Slowly they start losing their " SHEEN " like the Banana within TWO days. All of a  " SUDDEN " , there are SPOTS - AND - STAINS , all over their SKIN like the Banana. .Immediately they become     " TASTELESS " . Becoming  tasteless, they start " ROTTING"  without " LOSING " a fraction of a second. If consumed, these  bananas spreads disease and their skins if thrown starts spreading " EPIDEMICS " . Last but not the " LEAST- THEY -  ARE -  ALL -   CURVED " And  are never         " STRAIGHT "  " CROOKEDNESS " Is their last " VIRTUE " Of these " WOLVES "  under the " BARK " Of " SHEEPS "

It is so intriguing and it is with such a PAIN and TEARS in the eye that B.J.P is NOT the party of DELIVERANCE that it used to be. It has now become a party of UTTERANCE just like the Congress. The Congress has gone to the septic tank, and the B.J.P has set its feet on the drains to go to the septic tank .Unless and until the DUO of Mr Modi and Mr Amit shah are set  to understand or rest and until Mr Amit shah is NOT put to place- I DO NOT SEE THE B.J.P GAINING ANY GROUND FOT ITS FUTURE.

Pic - :: One Illustration Of  the " DIFFETENCE "  None Of The Indian Politicians Can Ever Distinguish Between The " DATA" They produce In Their " MANIFESTO "  And the So Called, the    " DIFFERENCE " That They Produce In " ACTUALS"  
Difference Between the Data and The Informations-:: 

Is there any punishment for providing the wrong datas and forming all the wrong informations to pool them and place it to the public to win the elections. I do not think so. The Indian elections, years after years are won by the providence of the wrong information’s .All the datas subjected to put them to the public is all wrong and all the assurances that emerges out of these datas are simply to befool the public at large and put them to the swords. This is just to win the elections.

The datas provided by the computers if at all you have fed the computer correctly,  gives you the correct output if you wish to get the output of the datas stored in the computer.

However if one has to read and notice the MANIFESTO of the various parties, the datas simply are BLUDGEONING.  This has given rise to doubts about the computers that are made and that are sold in India. Is really the computer the reason for providing these kinds of outputs that the political parties display or portrays in their COCKS – AND – BULLS that they call it as manifesto.

Unfortunately THERE are NO punishment which can be served to these COCKS – AND – BULLS for the crime that they do by putting the words in black and white of all shits in terms of the statistics that they put in their so called manifesto. The B.J.P till 2019 was the party which was very different to these kind of nonsense. SAD and very PAINFUL to  find them falling to the PITS of the others in that matter.

People, who use to SWEAR by B.J.P for all the HOPES, have completely understood that the B.J.P now has become a party which does the ILLS and the WILLS that the other parties which are political by nature do. The THINK – TANK of the B.J.P I guess headed by Mr amit shah will have to take the cognizance of the same.

These unnatural act of the B.J.P has taken away all the educated and learned voters that they had with them , till , 2019, and that was easily reflected when it was observed that 32 crores of the ones, which are educated, which are LITERATURE BENT and which have been on the course of DEATH KISSING THEM since 1990, after the “ MANDAL – KAMANDAL COMMISSION ”  and which is known as MIDDLE CLASS FAMILIES that starts from the lower rung and ends at upper, have taken a VOW that they will NEVER vote for the B.J.P and NOT for any other party anymore in FUTURE.

A very learned SCHOLAR, a Senior professor at the I.I.M, Bangalore who I know by heart, just quipped me that WHY SHOULD I  VOTE FOR ANY PARTY. WHAT HAVE THEY GIVEN US THAT WE SHOULD VOTE FOR THESE USELESS PARTIES. That is the MINDSET of the people of the class which we call them as middle class and which runs from the lower to the upper rung and those who are GENERAL CATEGORIES SOULS of India. 

Later answering to ONE of my querry to him he REPLIED-::

At KARNATAKA there is HARDLY any DIFFERENCE between the B.J.P and the Congress. Only the face and the name DIFFERS. Beside that NOTHING differs. I have been residing at this place since the last 32 years. Three more years and I will have to RETIRE.


Mr H.D.Kumarswamy, actually is the ONE who should have been the Chief Minister right from 1998 till this stage. SORRY- HE IS NOT FROM THE B.J.P AND HIS VOTE SHARE FOR HIS PARTY IS BELOW 20 PERCENT. There is NO hope in that manner for the state and one who will rule it , the Congress will completely empty the state and its coffer very soon. That is the end future of this state.


Is there any body and anything that can punish the ones for the CANARDS that they float it on the air? NO. !! . ?? That is the answer.

Yet the B.J.P says that it is a party with a difference. The people DO NOT think it so and NOT for the moment.

The B.J.P under Mr Modi has become a “ A . S . P – BJP ”. It stands for “ AMIT SHAH’s - Party of  BJP ” . It is NOTHING different from the other parties, which are PRIVATE LIMITED POLITICAL PARTY and is NO DIFFERENT from the CONGRESS now.

The “ UTTERANCE ” Of Mr Amit Shah is now the “ DELIVERANCE ” of the party. The original concept and its meaning for the B.J.P does not exists at all .

This is the “ NEW – BJP ”  for you. The people took it a DECADE to understand it and have send a MESSAGE to Narendra Bhai Sahab- ::


Come September 2024- by then if Narendra Bhai does not puts the things in place and sets the house in order and cut the size of the not needed ones, the MAHARASHTRA PAAV BAJI and the HARYANA GEHRA DOODH  will show its TASTE .The Maharashtra Paav Bhaaji contains lots of chillies which the Gujrati Bhai will not be able to bear and absorb.The Haryana Doodh will not be that easy to DIGEST

If that happens, which I visualise to happen,  Narendra Bhai Sahab will NOT like the taste at all – I VOUCH BY SHRI RAM TEMPLE AND LORD RAM OF AYODHYA.

 Within these THREE months the B.J.P will have to be made the “ PARTY FOR DELIVERANCE, SOON AND FAST ”  Uttering all those " LULLABHOYS " are NOT the " SONGS " that the people need now. 
 That Is It and that speaks all about it 
.Regards and Thanks


Mr Shyamal Bhattacharjee, the author was born at West Chirimiri Colliery at District Surguja, Chattisgarh on July 6th 1959 He received his early education at Carmel Convent School Bishrampur and later at Christ Church Boys' Higher Secondary School at Jabalpur. He later joined Hislop College at Nagpur and completed his graduation in Science and he also added a degree in  B A thereafter. He joined the HITAVADA, a leading dailies of Central India at Nagpur as a      Sub-Editor ( Sports ) but gave up to complete his MBA in 1984 He thereafter added a Diploma In Export Management. He has authored SIX  books namely Notable Quotes and Noble Thought published by Pustak Mahal in 2001 Indian Cricket : Faces That Changed It  published by Manas Publications in 2009 and Essential Of Office Management published by NBCA, Kolkatta  in 2012, GOLDEN QUOTES on INSPIRATION , SORROW , PEACE and LIFE published by B.F.C Publications, Lucknow, , and QUOTES:: Evolution and Origin of Management Electives by Clever Fox Publishing, Chennai ,From Dhyan To Dhan :: Indian Hockey - Sudden Death Or Extra Time published by   BOOKS CLINIC  Publishing House , Bilaspur , Chattisgarh and his FIRST book on Hindi poem, which reads as  " BHED HAI GEHRA - BAAT JARA SI  published by Books Clinics , Bilaspur , Chhattisgarh. He has a experience of about 35 years in Marketing .

Signature Of Shyamal Bhattacharjee

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